Don’t Forget The Internet

Don’t Forget The Internet

When older residential areas are re-zoned, it generally allows for more homes to be built in the area. The rezoning increases the land value and so owners often take advantage of this and subdivide their property. Small subdivisions, such as splitting the parent lot down the middle to create two street front properties or keeping the existing house and creating a battleaxe block behind it (with a driveway down the side), are common.

Generally, when the land is subdivided, it follows an approvals process through the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC), the local council authority and other entities, such as Western Power and the Water Corporation, are consulted for their requirements. However, telecommunications infrastructure is overlooked in the WAPC process and the likes of NBN Co. or Telstra are not consulted. This can lead to investors building on these small subdivisions often being unaware of their responsibility to provide the infrastructure. Additionally, there are costs associated with this infrastructure, including the design and installation of the pipework, which can affect the profitability of the development if the works need to be done retrospectively after the build.

We assist our clients by arranging a Dial Before You Dig search on the property; this will show  the telecommunications infrastructure available.  We can also obtain evidence from the seller of the land that the pit and pipework has been installed & associated costs have already been paid (they should also be able to produce a copy of the design).

Professional developers are aware of these requirements and allow for them in the developments that they arrange on behalf of their clients; meaning that prospective buyers and/or tenants have access to readily available internet upon settlement of the property.