Learning About Property Development
When it comes to property developing, as entrepreneur and Action Coach CEO Brad Sugars would say, you need to ‘learn before you earn’!
Before investing in property, you need to be investing your time and energy into learning. Read books, listen to podcasts, research the market and find someone that knows more about it than you do to be a mentor. If you’re just starting out, you might want to look into researching trends in the Perth property market. Start understanding market cycles and how they affect the timing of an investment. You can then start looking into the role local council planning policies play in how you can subdivide and build on certain properties. Read our blogs for more practical information gained over decades of experience in the industry.
Unlike building a property, there is no end point when it comes to developing your knowledge and experience. Continual learning is about the only investment where you can guarantee a positive return. So, set yourself a target to learn 1 new thing a week about property development. If you don’t think you can afford the time, think about how much your lack of understanding could cost you instead!