Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?  Well … it’s your new home of course and using mirrors is a great way to make your new home even more versatile and stunning.

We usually think of mirrors being in the ensuite and bathroom.  Mirrors over vanities come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.  From fully framed mirrors the width of your vanity to shadowline portrait styles to art deco Hollywood dressing rooms.  When it comes to making sure you’re looking on point before you leave the house, it’s not all smoke and mirrors … often it’s steam and mirrors!  There are options for fancy heated mirrors that won’t fog up but having adequate ventilation works just as well.   Remember to also have your lighting situated so that it is between you and the mirror; as lighting from behind you causes unwanted shadows.  Having a location picked out for a full length mirror to check your outfit is also a good idea.  If you’re a bit squeezed for space, even hanging one on the back of a door works well.

Mirrored sliding robe doors are a fantastic idea for creating a sense of space in smaller rooms.  They work great in minor bedrooms and double up as full length mirrors for children or guests.  Mirrored robe doors are also easy to maintain.

Mirrors can also be used to great effect in your living areas and hallways.  Have a blank wall that you don’t know what to do with?  A feature mirror will add a style of it’s own while also reflecting other design elements of the room.  Mirrors in entry halls are also great for creating a sense of space and for that one last check before you leave the house.  Just be mindful that their placement doesn’t reflect areas of your home that you want to keep private when opening your front door.