What Makes A House A Home

What Makes A House A Home

We recently sold our holiday home and I have to admit a tear was shed as we handed over the keys.  Even though this was not our ‘every day’ home, it was our home away from home.  That feeling that you got when you walked through the door, that instant release of tension and anticipation of a relaxed, fun time about to be spent with friends and family was just the best.  So, after 9+ years, it was definitely a bittersweet goodbye.  This was a house that we had designed and built from scratch.  It had even won an award!  However, I realised that it wasn’t the physical house that I was going to miss.

It got me thinking about what makes a house a home.  Yes, physical shelter is a basic human need but is emotional shelter just as important?  Having a space where amazing memories are created is what makes a house a home.  Whether it is your ‘every day’ home or somewhere else, a home is where memories are made.  The best part about memories is that their home is in your heart and mind, so they are always with you; no matter where you actually live.  Looking back over the number of houses that we have had over the years, I realised that they are all still ‘ours’ in some way, even after we have moved on.  Each house is an anchor for a set of memories that made it our home.

For many, the thought of building a new home and moving can be daunting.  With all of the excitement, there is also the impending sense that you are about to lose something.  Understanding that the physical house will always be there and that your memories will live with you wherever you are, may make the process a little bit easier.  Building a new home is an opportunity to build new memories.